Test af kaffe
CafeZinho har lavet en flot test af vores Mexico Finca Nueva Esperanza. Du kan læse testen her: http://www.cafezinho.dk/2013/02/24/den-milde-morgen-gave/
CafeZinho har lavet en flot test af vores Mexico Finca Nueva Esperanza. Du kan læse testen her: http://www.cafezinho.dk/2013/02/24/den-milde-morgen-gave/
Caspar fra Coffee Channel har anmeldt 3 af Øristeriets kaffer: Espresso Unica fik denne med på vejen: "I taste many coffees, both my own blend and roasts, as well as coffees bought and provided to me. This particularly blend is in my top three of espresso coffees, both single and blends. I am super excited about this coffee, the balance is as mentioned one of the best I have ever had. As a standalone espresso, brewed with a ratio at 55% you should get at cup that fills your mouth with big richness. When I hit the sweet spot, I...
Caspar Hansen fra kaffebloggen CoffeeChannel har testet AeroPress. Du kan finde artiklen her: www.coffee-channel.com/2013/02/aeropress-indispensable-coffee-gadget.html
17 fede retro kaffe posters/kaffe plaketer: http://coffeecupnews.org/coffee-posters/
Kaffenbloggen CoffeeChannel har fået 2 kaffer + 1 espresso fra Øristeriet og så også en AeroPress til test. Vi håber vi slipper helskindet igennem ;) Følg dem her: www.coffee-channel.com www.facebook.com/CoffeeChannel
Der er stadig et godt tilbud på espresso kaffebønner i webshoppen. Køb din espresso her: http://www.øristeriet.dk/collections/espresso